About Me

Hi everyone, My name is Sarvagya , I'm 21 Years Old, I like trying out as many new things as I can and also I have 3 Guinness World Records, I'm into Public Speaking, and Entrepreneurship.

Guinness World Records? What for? Well the answer to that is Speedcubing- I can solve Rubik's Cubes pretty fast. I've been cubing since 2015 and the journey since then has been nothing but amazing. It was super hard initially but now looking at where things have taken me I'm glad I got into it. You can find more details about my world records on the next page of this website.

Another thing I'm really passionate about is entrepreneurship. I've been a big business fanatic since my childhood and the only big goal I've ever had is to run a big company. I'm not quite there yet but one day I will be. When I was 16 I decided to try out entrepreneurship for the first time and decided to start- Learn 2 Cube, an online platform that gave people Rubik's Cube Lessons. I was able to leverage my hobby and use it to build something. The journey of Learn 2 Cube was a whole new experience for me and it ended up teaching me so many things and giving me some experience on how entrepreneurship really works. In 2022, I wanted to know more about the creator economy and explore how things work so I started my own Influencer Marketing and Talent Management Company - Elan Talents, that was also a fun journey, I got to learn a lot of new things, and got insights to an industry which I had no clue about before. The work was being repetitive so I decided to stop working on it. I've worked with multiple small-stage startups, seen them grow, contributed to them, and most importantly learned a lot of things. The last place I worked at was a Venture Capital Firm. I had the time of my life there, learned more about the industry and the startup ecosystem. It was super fun to have conversations with Investors and Founders and getting a deeper understanding of how the VC World works.

Currently, I'm working on my latest startup - Hirebuddy, a platform that automates the job search and application process. We’ve been working on it for a few months now and the journey has been amazing, from taking initial user interviews to developing a product, running pilot tests, and now trying to grow. If you’re looking for a job / internship you can check out hirebuddy.net , I’ve been having a lot of fun and can’t wait to see where things take us.

Another door cubing opened for me is — Public Speaking. I could never imagine myself to be speaking in front of 100s of people but life has its own way of showing you things and here I am at a point where I address large groups of people. You could find more details under the Public Speaking page.

Apart from Cubing and the things I do "professionally". I love working out, running, playing sports- be it badminton, football, basketball, listening to and playing music- I used to play the keyboard earlier and now I've been trying to learn the guitar, just picked it up recently. I also read a bit, not as much as I should but I like reading about topics like psychology and finance, I find them to be super interesting. I love traveling too, went on my first solo trip a while ago and ended up having the time of my life.Since then I've been on multiple other trips. I'm always open to new trip recommendations.